Wars | Teen Ink


October 28, 2018
By robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" There are always hard times, but you can always recover even in your worst moments."

Wars may separate us

But love is even stronger

Everyone holds there own opinion

Which can make everyone wonder

Wars may separate countries

But a strong bond between others

Will never separate the souls

That has a great connection

The wars between people

Hurt many on the outside

But most of all

They did not hurt their personality

Through the objections

Many take stands

And many shoot down buildings

For feelings, no one can understand


Many still end up in jail

But others stay out in the open

Waiting to attack

Leaving their fears and emotions behind

Other wars

Leading heart breaks to others

Through the world

We all live

Though wars

Cause different things

Many turn to hurt others

In ways, many people can not describe

Even though wars can change

Many stay the same

Even if it causes people to get hurt

Many still see the good

If it means coming through to the end

The author's comments:

I wrote this because going through this century there has been lots of wars. Even if the wars are simply. The politics add up and the shootings are occurring more often than we know. I felt that I needed to write something about what the world is looking like in the present day.

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