Love Is | Teen Ink

Love Is

October 24, 2018
By heyits_faithlyn BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
heyits_faithlyn BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love Is

A mother sends her son to school, telling him to be safe on the way

An old couple sit at a cafe holding hands

A wife kisses her husband goodbye

This is love.


A young girl helps her friend get up after being hurt

A man surprises his wife with a gift on an ordinary day

A teacher helps a student that is behind

This is love.

We cannot hold love or consume it

We can feel love

We can see love

We can witness love

Love is not an object,

but a way of life.

You live your life with love,

or you live without it.

Love is holding your newborn for the first time

Love is fixing your family member some soup when they’re sick

Love is putting a pet down because you don’t want them to suffer

Love is helping a friend when they’re going through a difficult time.

Love is not an object,

but a way of life.

You live your life with love,

or you live without it.

The author's comments:

This piece is something I whipped up when I was very inspired.

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