Synesthesia | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By EH_19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
EH_19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the edge of silver passes like the smooth waters going through a river

At the top of tomorrow waits like the sun, waiting to rise in the early hours of the morning

If you jump into the present, you’ll land on a rollercoaster, rushing and speeding through the tracks

When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find a bright, shining sun, peeking between the clouds on a hot summer day.

If you turn hope on high, you’ll see the colors of a fire, waiting to torch a marshmallow

When you toss sadness to the wind, it returns as a joyful, jumping little girl when she gets her favorite treat

The swirl of loneliness sounds like a dark, quiet cave, waiting to be discovered

If you look underneath peace, you might hear a choir singing in an empty, quiet church

The antonym of pink is dark, like the deep, bottom of an ocean

The sadness of puppies roars like the ocean waves after a storm  

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