Free Life | Teen Ink

Free Life

October 22, 2018
By Kakrona-Kim BRONZE, Phnom Penh, Other
Kakrona-Kim BRONZE, Phnom Penh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your Life is Free

You are happy, you study hard

You not in a cage, you always have time to relax

You are so smart in your everyday life.

You find your own happiness

You start to success with your dream

You walk a long the steam, to find more of your happiness

Like me, Family and Seventeen is my bless

I start to sucess whenever I see them.

You can do whatever you want,

You don't get the warn from other

They don't jugde you, because you are smarter

Then what they prefer for yourself.

The author's comments:

This poem is to inspired you to show your talent and push you more to find your happiness and Your everyday life is Freedom. 

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