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October 21, 2018
By bjbower BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
bjbower BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Proctor Minnesota-
hello old brick school,
hello never ending train tracks,
hello memory filled fairgrounds,
hello life long friends.

Saying goodbyes-
bye life long friends,
bye old brick school,
bye always supportive team,
bye forever hometown.

Interstate 35-
green trees passing by,
crystal clear Lake Superior in the rearview mirror,
the enormous twin cities go bye,
hilly corn fields appear everywhere.

Coming to town-
driving down Highway 151,
big brown cows to the left,
big green corn to the right,
just a small town in sight.

New Life-
hello brand new school,
hello brand new river,
hello New City Park,
hello brand new friends.

welcome to Cascade Iowa,
welcome to Casey’s,
welcome to Dollar General,
welcome to Cascade High School.

The author's comments:

The story of my new life.

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