I Live With A Troll | Teen Ink

I Live With A Troll

October 19, 2018
By Morgan5626 BRONZE, Parma, Michigan
Morgan5626 BRONZE, Parma, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You’re mad, bonkers, completely off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.” -Alice in Wonderland

I live with a Troll,

Please somebody help,

For I fear that he takes my soul,

Please help for he has made me a whelp!

He eats all the food,

As he stuffs it in his mouth,

Not caring if it is a little rude,

Or even if he is not couth!

He pushes me aside,

And no one will know,

And nobody sees how I am denied,

Or how I am left in my own woes!

But let's not even start,

On his smell, oh his smell,

A smell that will make you barf,

A smell that only death could expel!

He is a slob,

The worst of the worst,

Just him talking will make my head throb,

And make my temper burst!

The author's comments:

This is just a little poem about my life. Or maybe not? 

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