Ignore | Teen Ink


October 16, 2018
By Anonymous

At 5 years old,

when he chased me around,

I was told it was because he liked me

and I ignored it.

At 7 years old,

when he looked up my skirt,

I was told “boys will be boys,”

and I ignored it.

At 9 years old,

when he followed me around,

I was told he just wanted to be my friend,

and I ignored it.

At 11 years old,

when he asked me out and got mad when I said no,

I was told I was b***hy,

and I ignored it.


At 13 years old,

when he called me a s***,

I was told it was a joke,

and I ignored it.

At 15 years old,

when he touched my butt,

I was told it was an accident,

and I ignored it.

At 17 years old,

when he pulled me into a room and locked the door and ignored me asking him to stop,

I was told a lot of things.

I was told I was a liar, an attention w***e, or asking for it.

I was told I ruined his life, and I was told he would never have done that.

But I won’t ignore it anymore.

The author's comments:

TW: assault This was really hard for me to write.

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