Ode To The Sky (Carmencita Damian) | Teen Ink

Ode To The Sky (Carmencita Damian)

September 26, 2018
By Smshy BRONZE, San Francisco, California
Smshy BRONZE, San Francisco, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The shade hides the grass

That sits under my eyes

I’ll let the afternoon pass

As they look up to the sky

The cracks are clear

Around your radiant crown

Bits of my fears

Floats away toward the clouds

The clouds change the more I stare

I thought I saw the difficult future

But I’m too tired to care

The sky is so deep

And the sun is so hot

You look ready to weep

But I don’t feel raindrops

Prayers are not my specialty

But you made them something new

I’m sure it’s not specially me

But oh dear sky, I love you

Bedroom blue

And lightswitch white

What am I going to do

When it becomes night

The author's comments:

The piece was written for my grandmother, who is very sick, and is a projection of my fears. I compare her to the sky, which I feel draw similarities. 

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