Color | Teen Ink


September 25, 2018
By mcaro BRONZE, San Pedro, California
mcaro BRONZE, San Pedro, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scarlet is a brighter

more lighter sunset.

It’s a color that resembles love,

hot but cool.

It’s a dress worn in the night,

but can shine so bright.

A red showered in pink

that always leaves a kink.

It feels sticky

but taste sweet with strawberries.

The way it smells is like roses in a bush

and feels like a kiss with a shush.

It looks like a party

but the sound is all dirty.

It’s a witch

in the movie flix,

and a diamond

that can light a wick.

It’s a Johansson

as the black widow again.

Just some ideas to fill your noggin with.

Can you see what I’m responding with.

What else do I got,

I guess that’s it

this is the end.

So let’s leave it as is

and maybe read it again.

The author's comments:

It was a class assignment

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