I am (not) from | Teen Ink

I am (not) from

September 20, 2018
By bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not from a single place,

but a place where family and friends strive,

happy as a child on their birthday.

I am not from commonly known places,

places where adventure is like walking around the block,

but a place that brings me satisfaction of where I am.

I am not from the United States which is new to me,

but an England native which is normal to me,

surrounding me is like walking into another dimension.

Where I’m from, brings me comfort, confidence, and connections,

where I feel wanted and safe,

a place where I am proud to belong.

A place that paved the way along a straight path forwards,

where others can follow the same path.


I am from a motivated mind state,

where I can be proud and make others proud.


Where I am, is home, health, and happiness.

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