Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 20, 2018
By bubbles525 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bubbles525 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from insecurity.

The fear of never being good enough for anyone,

viewing myself like a storm when there should be a rainbow.

I’m from self doubt.

Unable to be confident, telling myself I can’t do anything right...

setting silly standards for myself that I can’t reach, wanting to get a 4.0.

I’m from comparison.

Thinking everything’s better when others do it,

and parents who expect me to be smart like my brothers.


I’m from being a pushover.

Being the first to apologize even when it’s not my fault,

being taken advantage of, but too nice to say anything.

I’m from toxic friendships.

Being there for fake friends, taking their problems and making them mine,

but when I have a bad day they’re never around.

I’m from no self respect.

Doing nothing when people hurt me,

thinking I don’t deserve better.


Recently, I’m from changing.

Sticking up for myself, feeling free from the friends holding me back.

Telling people how I feel when I used to push my feeling away.

I will be from taking control.

If I don’t try to fix thinks they will never change,

realizing it’s my life and I can’t let my friends make my choices.

I will be from confidence.

I’ll be proud of my choices…

I won’t let other make me feel rejected.

I will be from having a better mental attitude.

When things are going wrong I know I can control them,

making a change in my life.

I will be from what I want for once.

Too often I have put others feelings before mine,

ending in going places I don’t want to go.

I will be from the unknown.

Not sure where life will be taking me,

I’m ready to see what’s ahead.

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