Trapped In Shyness | Teen Ink

Trapped In Shyness

September 16, 2018
By Maddie_dolphin BRONZE, Corinth, Texas
Maddie_dolphin BRONZE, Corinth, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to look back on this day knowing we didn't even try"-Dolphin Tale 2


I want to.

I get judged for it.


It's what people do to me.

Invitations to others,

Whispers in the hall,

Surround me.

“What is she hiding?” (whisper)

“Why won't she talk?” (whisper)

“What's her problem?” (whisper)

“She is so shy!”(whisper)

“Don't you see I want to, but I can't!”

Well that's what I want to say.

The word once there turns to,

A choke in my throat.

Shyness, a feeling

To familiar.

Everytime I would try, my shell takes me captive,

Like some sort of enemy.

I am,


My voice changes unexpectedly,

My posture changes so swiftly,

Almost caves in on me,

To avoid bumping of shoulders, binders, and bags.

Don't you see I try,

I try so hard to break out of the hard shell,

That has surrounded me for years in the past.

The shell trying to protect me,

From no enemy.

But the feeling acts like a force too strong for me to break.

One day, I will,

Stop wishing for people,

To come help break me out,

Because very few people know how to find those,

Who need it.

They stay in there groups of four and five,

“No one new allowed!”

But one day,


I will,

I will stop,

I will stop wishing.

One day, I will take that feeling of shyness captive,

Like a pirate.

But for now I am trapped, but not long will I be.

For I am going to spread my wings,

And fly

Fly, far, far, away.


All of those who won't step outside of there

Comfort zone.

Down on on Earth,

Far, far below.


I am,

I am trapped,

I am trapped in shyness,

But for not long will I be.

The author's comments:

This poem is so personal to me, beause I sturggle with shyness everyday. Its so hard when no one understands me. Everyone is always juging me on the outside, and they never get to know me before they juged. If they acally got to know me you might see that im not just this shy girl in the back of the class, but this crazy over the top person who acally gets the lead roles in our school productions.  Anyways, I worte this poem with my best friend Gabby she is one of the only person who gets me. I had the base of the poem already written and it was only a page. Then, we had a poetry slam at our school, so we teamed up and fixed it, added on, etc. and now this is my favorite poem. I just want to share this poem with the world beause I know there are so many other people just like me, and can relate to this poem.

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