Living Judaism | Teen Ink

Living Judaism

September 15, 2018
By LeviAusten BRONZE, Austin, Texas
LeviAusten BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Judaism,

I was introduced to you when I was only a ripe age of five years old, not understanding what I was getting into. It all started at religious school, the first sunday of September when I met you. You introduced me to all kinds of new things that I can now reflect and expand on. From learning the Hebrew alphabet, to learning Torah and Haftarah trope, I have explored and found some of my best friends that I have today because of you.

I inquired and thought about the secrets you held for me, and got pulled deeper into your books. Attending Shabbat and listening to your symphonies and learning your prayers at such a young age prepared me for the day when I would prove myself and become a Jewish adult. Thank you. I gave you my mind, to read and sing the words that you have taught me, I gave you my time, to come on Sundays and Tuesdays to further my learning in your wondrous land of culture and history. The things that we have been through, the things I have learned about you, has made me the person I am today. Without you I wouldn’t be me, there would be a completely different Levi Austen Vasquez in this world if it wasn't for you. I wouldn’t have impacted my friends and congregation the way I have without you. Thank You.

Through all you and I have endured together, from being hated by others, to being loved by family and congregation, you have given me insight and made me view the world differently. You have also taught me that not everyone can understand what it’s like to be me, to do the things I've done, and to know the things I know about you the way I do. After all, I can definitely say you are more than worth it. To introduce me to amazing people, to teach me to teach others, to give me a powerful understanding about the Hebrew language, and to sing the prayers and feast every holiday and Shabbat. Thank You.

I cannot say what lies ahead for me, or what more you have left to teach me, but I know there is a whole world worth exploring to understand more about you, but for now I will remain here and do as much as I can for you, to learn about you, teach others about you, lead others and drive them towards you to learn, if not the same, but greater things about you.

Your teachings will always fill my mind, my teaching will influence others in many different ways. Your sound will always fill my ears. I will always remember the sweet melodys in the echoing synagogue, the sound of harmony, the low hum of the congregations vocals to the loud, trilling, beautiful song of the Rabbi which pleases my mind and ears to the point where I fell in love with you.
To think just a 5 year old boy would fall in love with you so easily, just because he loved what he heard and knew deep down. He will pursue this lovely literacy until he knows what it means to him, truly.


Thank You,


Love You Always- Levi 

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by my experience in this literacy. It introduced me to some of the best friends I have today. I would like to thank my family for introducing me to judaism and what it has taught me. 

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