Sea of Memories | Teen Ink

Sea of Memories

September 12, 2018
By Kase GOLD, Hutchinson, Kansas
Kase GOLD, Hutchinson, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a waterfall it keeps on going

Memories are Memories

Stuck in the Waves of thought

When memories are painful

You drown in that wat

Er what Bothers me

I see what I see

But what I see is lost in the

Sea of Memories

Is there a boat?

Is there a log?

I can come upon

To keep from Drowning in the Wat

Er what clouds my thought

What clouds my mind

It feels like eternity

For endless is time

And endless comes the drowning

by those waves

In the Sea

Of Memories

The author's comments:

Memories are lost memories are good are bad, its just some times you want to forget them in the sea of memories.

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