Positively Negative | Teen Ink

Positively Negative

September 10, 2018
By Dmann BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Dmann BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is there always a war between light and dark?

A constant bloodshed

Of the pessimistic

And optimistic

I used to hate the sanguine

I used to adore the insane mind

I had an epiphany

That pulled me across the line

The spirit is appealing

Bright sunshine is a lovely feeling

The wistful folks

Dragged me to the center

Now I’m walking on the shoulders

Of a positively negative mind

Witnessing the cynical

Perceiving the utopian

The author's comments:

I'm not really into poetry, but my teacher made me do the uncomfortable.  I'm working on more poetry and becoming used to it.

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on Sep. 15 2018 at 11:06 pm
Queen_Luna SILVER, Carbondale, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Well she's walking through the clouds, with a circus mind that's running wild."
-Jimi Hendrix, "Little Wing"

This is so good! Keep writing!