Walking Accompanied Through Darkness | Teen Ink

Walking Accompanied Through Darkness

August 25, 2018
By StarPetals BRONZE, Oro Valley, Arizona
StarPetals BRONZE, Oro Valley, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
- Dr. Seuss


Walking alone through unlit passages 

is something I have become familiar with. 

I am afraid of the beauty of roses 

becuase of the thorns that come with it. 


and scars 

trace my skin.

So many, in fact 

that I cannot tell 

where they end

and where I begin. 


are my companions. 


is my sole friend. 

(He is always with me.) 

I am the moon. 

I will always chase after the light of life. 

(But we will never meet.) 



You have tuaght me now 

that I never walk alone. 

And while it is still dark, 

this pure blackness seems less daunting with you by my side. 

I now have 

my cracks 

and scars 


for the world to see.

The thought that I am a glitch, 

still weighs on my chest, 


I am slowly learning 

that my imperfections 

are an essential part of my human being. 

I enjoy the beauty of roses now. 

Thorns no longer scare me.

(I know now it is merely a part of their beauty.) 

With your help, your love, your smile, 

I will pick my feet up 

hold my head high, 

amd trudge up this mountain, 

your voice by my side. 

I am the moon. 

I will always chase after the light of life. 

(But you are my eclipse.) 

The author's comments:

I have always been fascinated by eclipses. How the dark and the light swirl together, merge together, for just one moment. How, for eternity, the sun and the moon are caught in an infinte loop of tag; but for just a small sliver of time, they meet. 

This is the best analogy I could find to describe my feelings. And this does not even completely cover them. 

My inspiration for this poem was my beautiful, amazing, wonderful, second family. 

To call you my friends is a lie, best friends a severe understatment. 

I have never met anyone quite like all of you. You acccept my weirdness, my habit of yelling when I'm excited. You have figured out the ways in which to decode my speech when I talk at the speed of lightning. 

You are my eclipse. My moment when my dark merged with my light. 

So this is dedicated to you, to all of you. 

To my 2 AM conversations. To my incredibly accepting loves who are always there. To my fellow Peer Diversity members. To the ones who always want to read my writing even when its not that good. 

You bring out the best in me. You are my inspiration.  

Thank you for everything you do. 

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