Little Devise | Teen Ink

Little Devise

July 31, 2018
By Maddie_dolphin BRONZE, Corinth, Texas
Maddie_dolphin BRONZE, Corinth, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to look back on this day knowing we didn't even try"-Dolphin Tale 2

“Oh this?

This little devise?

Ruining our society?

Well how?  

Oh well let me tell you,


It takes away our pride,

Takes away our personality,

Our awesome dignity,

Makes us into robots,

That for sure you can find online.

As the children are taken,

We have mistaken.

Phones more important than lives?

While they suffer,

We can share laughter,

Of the memes you found online.

So go put down the screen

Go outside,

Enjoy the air,

Because we won’t have it for long,

With pollution growing, like algae in a lake.

And with the world slipping through our fingers like sand in a sandbox.

But that’s what’s happened

we’ve put ourselves in box’s

To be isolated from the world of horrors?

Is this the America we’ve known?

Kids are not animals.

And even animals in cages can be cruel.

Families belong together.

We need,

Make a difference,

Be seen,

Step out of your sandbox,

Be you,

Be,you, tiful,

Be, u Unique,

in this hectic world some will find amusing.

So this little device like the force,

protecting us,

But it’s not.


one person every 40 seconds


Never to come back again.

That’s 800 000 people every year.

Because of this little devise,

And it’s online streaming.


It’s running our society.

But maybe has a chance of helping too?

The author's comments:

This poem was just something I worte, and added on to it as I went along. I dont know what sate of mind I was in at the time. Like i've said before poetry has had my heart since 6th grade and always will. 

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