Lost | Teen Ink


June 26, 2018
By Anonymous

It’s    lost

vanished from view

heart in my mouth

i feared the worst

consumed by darkness

hit the bottom

i waited for the splash

panic arose like a burning fire

& fear spread through

Forever    gone

nothing left

memories     lost

my heart constricted

& realities set

Denial was a solace

thoughts brought misery

&  frustration lingered


A part of time    lost

I would never get it back

The author's comments:

In this poem I tries to emulate Juan Felipe Herrera. The reason I chose this poet was because he writes in many different styles, not just one. He has written poems in lists, with large amounts of white space and some with no white space at all. He likes to use brackets to give hidden meaning and uses different types of punctuation to give his poems meaning. I like his poems since he can make poems light and funny or deep and meaningful, to give a stronger message/meaning. No matter what you will always be wondering what his next typ of powm will be like. 

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