Half Of You | Teen Ink

Half Of You

June 22, 2018
By tan_china552 BRONZE, Newark, New Jersey
tan_china552 BRONZE, Newark, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would let you examine me as though a dead frog.

Ready to be dissected.

Judge me.

Make me aware of my flaws because for you, and only you - I will change.

I will throw them into the deepest and darkest pits of hell.

I would rather lose all of me, to have just half of you.

To be just half of what you are to me.

Wishing to be that for you.

You're my sky and all the seasons combined.

If I could just be the cold breath you exert on a beautiful winter day,

would make me so happy.

Happiness that would, no, that will last a lifetime.

The author's comments:

My name is Katherine and I wrote this poem during my junior year of high school. I wrote this poem during this time when I indulged myself with everything romance, from the books I read to the movies I watched. This poem is a product of that and my personal life. 

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