Little Girl | Teen Ink

Little Girl

September 18, 2017
By paula.landellart BRONZE, Oxfordshire, Other
paula.landellart BRONZE, Oxfordshire, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life without you remained this way

the emptiness marked me till this day.

Mum reminded that you're forgotten and far

but time couldn't cloak your hurtful scar.

Little girl waiting for him to be near,

only mere silence seemed to appear.

The little girl grieved in despair

"Why does daddy hate me?! Not care!".


Shadows emerged from the prison of her mind.

Too many fears locking her behind.

Painted this illusion, blind war of hope,

and behind it, happiness, family. You still provoked.

Little, foolish girl trapped in her nothing,

blindly wishing that daddy wants her loving.

Time goes, moments don't wait

Love gets taught into hate.

Empty silence is now roaring

Little girls grown, but Daddy's still ignoring.

The author's comments:

This poem is prettty personal to me. My dad left me and my mum when i was about 8 and he completely rubbed me out of his life, which was pretty sad for an eight year old. So, i used to write many diaries about how i felt and i've recently stumbled over them and i decided to wrote a poem about it. The poem shows how naive i was and how i was so desperate to fulfill the love that i didn't get from him. It mentions about my lacks of self - esteem due to him and how i feel about him now.

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