One day I was walking... | Teen Ink

One day I was walking...

June 5, 2016
By bellabop101 BRONZE, Triangle, Virginia
bellabop101 BRONZE, Triangle, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We were eyeball to eyeball and I think the other guy just blinked" -Dean Rusk

One day I was walking,

And I noticed a bird sitting on a tree.

Quietly I watched as it was talking,

Its feathers glistening like the blue sea.


Oh the beauty of its words raptured me,

It was like listening to an angel sing one to sweet dreams.

"Oh," I said, "Oh, how the bird must be the key!

The key to the world, the key to the light, and the key to the dark screams!"


And the bird looked at me, its black eyes piercing.

And all of a sudden the bird transformed,

Dark, shrill screams came from the singing

As the bird became deformed.


I cried out in fright as it approached,

I yelled, "Lord God! Lord God, please save me from above!

For I hadn't noticed time was passing by, my life encroached

By evil which was dominating over love!"


How I sobbed, how I cried

As the horrid bird approached.

I realized how I denied

My life to heaven; my existence broached.


I was on the righteous path

And I fell astray.

I now face temptation's wrath

For God I disobey.


The devil had caught me

In his traitorous wars.

I abandoned God for what I thought was free,

But really was a wild craze.


Lying on my back, the bird upon me, I cried,

"God!  Oh God save me from this sin!

Save me from my pride!

If you forgive me, for you, my new life will begin!"


The bird was upon me,

Its sharp beak at my throat.

Everything went black, I couldn't see!

But He...He kept me afloat!


I found myself drifting, flying,

In nothingness

At first I thought I was dying,

But I awoke with sluggishness...


...One day I was walking

And I noticed a bird sitting on a tree.

But I ignored the bird's talking

For no temptation shall cage me.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem in a time where I felt that everything was against me.  I live in a Catholic community and God is everything to us.  This poem is about falling off of his path, into temptation, and pulling yourself back out.  It's about how as humans we make mistakes, sometimes small, sometimes big, but if you truly are sorry and you truly believe, God's mercy and forgiveness will wash over you. 

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