Death in Life | Teen Ink

Death in Life

April 21, 2016
By a.chey_13 BRONZE, Hazard, Kentucky
a.chey_13 BRONZE, Hazard, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Attempts to prolong the inevitable--

Fate enjoys the chuckle. 

Accessories of haunted nights,

Repetitive reminders of the resentful day. 

Anguish we long for thirst never be quenched,

There's no true virtue to grief--

Pessimistic neither I nor you. 

Kindred Spirits, ravens are fair company. 

Even unwanted company, woebegone are we all. 

No perspective holds a benevolent smile. 

I simply wanted to say good morning,

Fate predetermined good bye be more fitting. 

He strolled through the caged door whose knocking ended today,

alongside his own. 

The author's comments:

From this piece I hope people see death does come from life. There is an end to everything. Whether the new beginning is good or not, we must move forward. 

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