Porcelain Doll | Teen Ink

Porcelain Doll

April 14, 2016
By kezzell1 BRONZE, Lakeland, Florida
kezzell1 BRONZE, Lakeland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The porcelain Doll sitting up on the wall,
With a fake little smile,
She hides it well but only time can tell for the porcelain doll

She’s tossed around with no regard to her fragile state,
She bends,
She cracks,
She breaks.

But they put her back together,
And the cracks are soon forgotten,
Yet again, again, and again she’s tossed,
She’s thrown,
She’s dropped,
They put her back together again

There she is sitting on the wall with her fake little smile,
And them seeing nothing guarding at all
They toss her back and forth,
Till  she hits the ground

They wait with their mouths open in awe,
“She‘s Broken!”
“She’s Broken!”
They cry out “Oh she’s broken.”
What a sight!
She’s shattered,
She’s tattered.

And her smile has broken in two,
There is no repair
She’s done for,
That is all for the porcelain doll

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