Suffocated by the sky | Teen Ink

Suffocated by the sky

March 18, 2016
By Anonymous

It sucks her breathe to a pulp,
suffocating her until she’s not.
Leaving her to nervously gulp,
and cry in discreet, dripping with snot.


Morning comes with new adventures,
but delayed with recurring events.
Venturing her to drown in trenches.
She can’t seem to breathe through the vents.

she's never seen the sunlight,
that hides behind the pale moonlight.


The sky argues with violent fire,
illuminating colors of despair.
Its occupants sigh with tire,
inner candles losing its flair.


She gazes through the wall,
dreams and prays for fresh air.
then hides in paper, to escape all.


Pages and pages full of fiction,
words with complex diction.
Her eyes wander beyond the meanings,
making her own stories, as she keeps on dreaming.


The skies entrap her soul
While they fight and blame her life for existing.
she tries to forget the happiness they stole,
but it nibbles her insides and continues its twisting.


Night arrives, and her soul in debris,
laying on the ground of the lost and forgotten.
Deteriorating in a slow plea,
to be memorized, but left for rotten.


The skies keep living on,
forever regretting.
For the girl that is gone
and whom, they kept on upsetting.


The clouds cry for her stories,
and the sun shines in her glory.


Stars spark in memory of her light
and the darkness reeks for her sight.


The moon shines on her grave,
left as a secret that the sky will always crave. 

The author's comments:

This article was based on my ongoing feelings of suffocation, at home; which inspired the title. My family, always seemed to fight and they always placed the blame on me. I felt suffocated, sometimes. There rage seemed to be the reason, why I could never smile willingly. I used to have depressing thoughts of myself, and I Wondered if they ever knew that there arguments never resolved anything, it did the absolute opposite. They made me more insecrure, and self conflicted.

What I wanted to show with my poem, is that every person in this world, doesn't deserve to feel depressed about themselves. Including the people around you, don't let them weaken you; your amazing, in every aspect. My poem shows how the feelings of sadness and the mere death of someone, who was emotionally insecure affects this world; They leave a mark, on this earth. 

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