One Country Summer | Teen Ink

One Country Summer

January 25, 2016
By Anonymous

The intensity you could feel

The feeling of something real

Her eyes followed when I moved

The look of being desapproved

I knew we had the connection

Because she was my reflection

The air from her nose blew out

I knew What that was all about

She was the one I picked to show 

When I saw her in the meadow

In the barn our faces touched

To the reins my hands did clutched

I led her around the farm

And at first there was no charm

The trust grew stronger

While the days got longer

As the hot summer days passed

The fair was here at last

Your feelings are to hard to express

Except when you have success

The day for her to go 

Was one hard day you know

It was relaxing the rest of the summer

So when school started it was a bummer

I remembered the fun I had

The thought of next summer made me glad

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