Stupid Fool | Teen Ink

Stupid Fool

December 1, 2014
By Yogagasofat SILVER, Kerakala, Other
Yogagasofat SILVER, Kerakala, Other
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You were but a child
When you saw her face
You thought her a princess
From the angel’s race


You should have learnt then
To remain simply cool
That she was not that sort
You stupid immature fool


You were only a teen
When you yearned her kiss
Dreamy soft and sweet
Against your own lips


You should have looked then
Beyond that coy mewl
Through that shy gaze
You stupid smitten fool


You were an adult grown
When you dreamed her bride
In flowing white silks
Reaching you in a stride


You should have known then
That she was a lost jewel
She belonged to another
You stupid lovesick fool


You have now aged
When she came to pass
You cried and cried
Tears enough to fill a glass


You should have stopped then
And cursed the gods so cruel
To have made you ignorant
You stupid grieving fool

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