Forgotten | Teen Ink


April 4, 2014
By Llovely BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
Llovely BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hide your kids, Hide your wife And hide your husband Cause they’re raping errbody out here You don’t have to come and confess We’re lookin for you We gon find you So you can run and tell that Run and tell that, Run and tell that Homeboy. ~Antoine Dodson

His dirty hair became even filter as he hollered out a wine.
A kick, a punch, and his attackers flee.
He laid there the dirty boy, the poor boy, the boy who could be so beautiful; hair a mess clothes woven together by the pieces of thread left,
It rips.
He makes his unforgivable decision.
He limps pass the darken alley that has broken his spirited,
Past the disgusted look and mothers hurrying away their children,
Past the cops that never helped,
Past his friends that only looked away,
Pass the train tracks that seemed to separate the wealthy from the poor,
Pass his yard full of empty beer bottles,
And pass his parents that scream at each other in their never ending battle (they didn’t even give him a glance).
To his room;
To where the gun was hidden;
He cried wondering if he would be missed;
He waited, but no one came to stop him;
The gun fell. it was Forgotten.

The author's comments:
I had a depressing moment when I witness bullying. a boy I didn't know he looked broken almost forgotten to everyone around him. I moved away for a few years I heard that he died, a self-inflicted gun shot. I hope to my little message will imprint into someone day. knowing that you should remember that a life can end at any moment.

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