Shellshocked: True Tale of Tortoise & Hare | Teen Ink

Shellshocked: True Tale of Tortoise & Hare

January 15, 2014
By hogane643 GOLD, Schoharie, New York
hogane643 GOLD, Schoharie, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a tortoise, brown with age.
He dare a c*** hare, still young as spring,
To join him in a race, in time and pace,
The winner promise quite a handsome wage.
Hare, haughty, cocky, bold, agreed to run
The silly challenge, but of course he'd win!
Tortoise, old and wise, would alter glee
Of course he could beat hare, his younger kin.
The starting line, it loomed before the friends
Gun shot sounded and the race was on.
The tortoise lunged ahead, old lungs, they heaved.
Hare lay still on the ground, hunter gone.

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