The Baby is Coming | Teen Ink

The Baby is Coming

December 12, 2013
By Trevor Stover BRONZE, Elizabeth Town, Kentucky
Trevor Stover BRONZE, Elizabeth Town, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While in the dining room, my stepmoms water broke.
When she told me what happened, I just about choked.
I ushered her to her Focus, thankfully she could drive.
I told her to hit the gas, and the meter went to sixty five.

We made to the hospital, and the door opened with a hiss.
And I walked past a couple who blew each other a kiss.
I gave a nurse a look, and she knew just what to do.
She stuck my stepmom in an elevator and told me to shoo.

I sat in the waiting room and heard one of the light bulbs pop.
And a woman jumped and I watched her drink fall with a plop.
My dad walked in at about half past eleven,
And the look he gave looked like he was seven.

Waiting, waiting, and waiting. Hey what are you doing? Still waiting.
I sat in wait while on the television politicians started debating.
Then my grandma walked in and said it would be alright,
With the head of my baby brother’s size he wasn’t coming out without a fight.
But until then, I’ll have to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait…

Finally, the baby was born.
His umbilical cord had been torn.
What I held in my arms was a sinless child,
And the thought of me holding him made me go wild.

I know that this poem is kind of sappy,
But the thought of him smiling at me for the first time made me so happy.
And even when he is about to cry,
I’ll care for him until the day that I die.

The author's comments:
This peice is somewhat true. Except I wasn't at the hospital until the next day. This is more from my sisters perspective than my own.

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