Be Thankful We’re Free | Teen Ink

Be Thankful We’re Free

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Our future began with the Boston Massacre,
Where the innocents were slaughtered by British fire.
The conflicts from then on grew, and started to stir,
And the later confrontations showed to be dire.

The British oppressed us with some taxes unfair,
Our vengeance in dumping, in the harbor, their tea.
We rebelled here and there as much as we would dare
We wanted to be separate from them; free.

Then, ruthless battles broke out by land and by sea,
The British are coming by two and by three.
They have strength in their numbers, but what strength have we?
Our crave for liberty and justice is our key.

The Empire grew tired of our resisting stand,
And vowed to take over us once and for all.
Then, no longer, were things going for us as planned,
We watched as our own men, by British hands fall.

We lost key battles; our generals had failed,
The Red-Coats marched onward laying waste to our towns.
Lost soldiers’ and citizens’ families wailed,
But the British persistently fired their rounds.

Vast ships of war turned up on our precious shore,
More British soldiers’ boots contacted our soil.
They wore down our nation ‘till it was no more,
Americas’ struggle had ended in toil.

The British had won, and their Empire thrived,
Once again we were forced against our own will.
Simply for independence was all that we strived,
But of defeat and lost hope we had had our fill.

“But wait!” you say,”That’s not what happened at all!”
“we had lost some battles, and that much is true,
We won the war in the end; our nation stands tall!”
“That flag on the pole is our red-white-and-blue!

Our freedom was bought, and that price was not cheap,
So be thankful for life and all that it gives,
And Cherish all of the freedoms that we keep,
And that our wonderful nation, today, still lives.

The author's comments:
I began Writing this poem around Thanksgiving time. I thought about how we tend to take everything for granted, and how it is a miracle that our nation survived. I want people to realize how much they are blessed, and to be thankful for what they have.

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