The Bandits Three | Teen Ink

The Bandits Three

February 14, 2013
By Bubbalulu BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Bubbalulu BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Now I’m gonna tell a story,
Of the ferocious bandits three,
They snuck around, here and there,
Causing trouble gave them glee.

One rainy day in November,
They heard of a bank robbery,
It sounded like a great idea,
To these bandits three.

So plotting and scheming,
The bandits conjured a plan,
To hold up the biggest bank in town,
Which has never been done by man.

The big day came, and all went well,
The money safe and sound,
‘Till forty plus policemen came,
And brought the bandits down.

Away to jail these bandits went,
Locked up for twenty years,
All their hopes and dreams were crushed,
Replaced by their worst fears.

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