Lucky | Teen Ink


February 14, 2013
By Alyssa Pracht BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Alyssa Pracht BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was an average day,
I was driving to work.
When I stepped out of the car,
I received a big perk.

A penny! A penny!
A good luck sign!
Abe stared up at me,
what a wonderful find!

So I picked up the coin,
and continued inside,
heading towards the cubicle
that I share with Clyde.

Suddenly, my boss burst in,
I expected a taze;
instead he just smiled,
and offered me a raise!

A raise? I was shocked!
Boy, would this pay!
So I took my break early,
to hit up a buffet.

As I approached the counter
to order my drink,
the waiter paused to exclaim,
“You’re the millionth customer, I think!”

“You’ve won a free meal,
as well as ten more,”
the worker concluded,
“When you walked through that door.”

That meal tasted great,
since I didn’t have to pay;
but I had to go back to work,
much to my dismay.

When I arrived at my desk,
I got out the oldest project.
It was due tomorrow,
but it was missing the logic.

As I glanced at it then,
it all fell into place!
I now knew what to do,
and I picked up my pace.

The project was finished
by the end of the day,
so I went home at five,
the normal way.

I parked my car
and walked into my house;
it was silent inside,
you could’ve heard a mouse.

I dropped off my keys
and went into the dining room,
when twenty people jumped up
to yell “surprise” with a boom.

They sang “Happy Birthday”
and unveiled a huge cake.
I’d forgotten my own birthday
for heaven’s sake!

The party was wonderful,
but all things have their ends.
I still had lots of fun,
spending time with my friends.

When I was in bed
much later that night,
I reflected on the day;
it was such a delight.

Then I remembered the penny
I had found on the ground.
Was that the reason
that good things were abound?

For if you find a penny,
and pick it up,
then all day long,
you’ll have good luck.

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