Good Old Somerset | Teen Ink

Good Old Somerset

October 13, 2011
By chelsea12 BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
chelsea12 BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This town has nothing to offer,
It’s all dried up and bare.
This town has nothing to offer,
It has nothing to spare.

A girl from a very small hick town,
Who never knew what to do,
really wanted to go somewhere big,
New York, Chicago, even Idaho.

She told her parents she had to leave,
even though they would miss her.
They knew it was coming soon,
and hoped she liked starting over.

She started to miss her family,
and realized something new.
The grass is not always greener,
even when the sky is still blue.

This town has so much to offer,
It’s filled with people I love.
This town has so much to offer,
and I thank god from above.

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