Never back Down | Teen Ink

Never back Down

May 16, 2011
By Anonymous

A State Championship is on the line,
Practice started early, we were running against time.
We put in long hours, improving our skills,
The endless batting practice and throwing drills.
Practicing for many weeks began to get old,
We were ready to get to games, going for gold.
Although we lack experience, we have heart,
Girls stepped up and started playing their part.
A spa party brought us all together,
But we faced delays, due to the weather.
Frustrations had run rapid, we wanted to play,
Our super ad tried his hardest to find a way.
Two losses verse Baxter showed our inexperience,
We were nervous and hesitant and a little tense.
But we picked up our game and run ruled Erie,
We adjusted and saw the ball more clearly.
Then next, a hard-fought comeback split with Galena set us back,
We waited until the second game for our bats to attack.
Next, Jasper was an adventure; we almost lost our way,
There were snakes and also a storm of bugs to keep at bay.
Another split left us unsatisfied,
Losing isn’t fun but at least we tried.
Southeast was next and we started off slow,
A strike of lightning made us all go “Whoa!”
The game was postponed for twenty minutes,
One out left, we were ready to win it.
A 5-1 given win after multiple rain delays,
We began feeling like we were improving, in many ways.
A win coming into Riverton gave us hope,
But once we saw their pitcher, we started to choke.
She threw a lot of good junk,
That got us in a weird funk.
Our bats just couldn’t seem to get going,
2 losses put us down, clearly showing.
The next Tuesday outing was Girard, an intense foe,
A sunny day turned cold, and the wind started to blow.
Twenty minutes of rain left the field wet,
A three inning start, but we couldn’t play yet.
The game was called off, to our dismay,
It had to be paused, and we waited to play.
In the meantime, a tough Frontenac game was at stake,
Rivalry: we knew it wouldn’t be easy as cake.
We scored first which made us feel confident,
But we’d have to wait and see how it went.
Errors and mental mistakes became too much,
We were too good of a team to play as such.
Two heartbreaking losses were added to our season,
It felt like no one wanted to play for a reason.
No one had desire left to fight inside their soul,
Easier to just give up, we forgot our goal.
The end was near; we were running out of time,
Only four games left, this wasn’t a good sign.
Half of the team wanted to win, the other quit,
A team divided, ready to throw down their mitt.
Our season slowly turned into a roller costar on a track,
The only direction was down, and we didn’t know how to get back.
The roller costar ate us up and then spat us out,
With Girard waiting for us, we had to shatter doubt.
Our eyes were clear waters, full of focus and drive,
Prepared for battle, and to make it out alive.
They were David, us goliath, we had to be error free,
But a run rule and a hard-fought loss proved this just wouldn’t be.
We are now 7-11, with one game to show,
That we aren’t a failure, we won’t say no.
We’re up for a fight, it’s not done,
We can’t give up, till the battle is won.
Never back down as leaders and athletes, give it your all to contend and defend.
Colgan Softball 2011

The author's comments:
This piece is about a softball season that didnt go the way we planned. Coming back from a state championship, we expected to be great. This was not the case.

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