Another Lost Soul | Teen Ink

Another Lost Soul

March 17, 2011
By Maraina BRONZE, Marble Hill, Missouri
Maraina BRONZE, Marble Hill, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The little girl sat in her rocking chair
Feeling the cold chill of death,
The last thing she remembered
Was the water's depth,

Her mother's cry bouncing off the water's surface
She felt the water pressing against her,
Her body shivered at the thought of death
It was as if yesterday was a blur,

She watched as everything changed
But her life would never change,
She was another lost soul
As she listened to what her mother sang,

Her clung to her body
she could see the stars rise in the night,
She knew it was time to leave her old life
As she walked into the light.

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