A Different Kind of Sleep | Teen Ink

A Different Kind of Sleep

April 1, 2010
By Starlight-starbright BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
Starlight-starbright BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Attitude is everything. Be kinder than necessary, For everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, the mottos of life"

The beat of the radio
Lulls me into sleep.
Into the land of imagination.
Dreams overtake me
As each minute passes by.
The ticking of the clock,
Beating down each second
Reminds me of the moments in life
That pass by each day.
And the sirens stir me
As the realization hits me
Like those stories on the news.
It can’t be true.
This happens to other people, not us.
And then I’m awake. But I am alone.
Life stood still
There was the drum of a heartbeat
But only one, not two.
A life had ended, as quickly as one could be saved
Each day matters. So make it what you can.

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