Puzzled | Teen Ink


March 30, 2010
By DannieCatch22 SILVER, Kettering, Northants, Other
DannieCatch22 SILVER, Kettering, Northants, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'I never told my love vocally; But if looks have words the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears.' Wuthering Heights.

My heart is an intricate puzzle
A million parts to piece together.
Each is filled with one or another
Who will remain in my heart forever.

As always I reach the end of the puzzle
And find that I miss only two.
One is for the love I lost
The other piece is you.

The first I'll never want again
I don't mind if it never comes back.
For the one that hurts the most you see
Is the second that I lack.

I'll never admit that it is you
I'm scared to tell you so.
for now my puzzle will remain
incomplete until you know.

The author's comments:
Uhh... Well it's pretty obvious how I was feeling when I wrote this particular poem.
The way unrequited love can be so confusing and ever so frustrating is portrayed through the idea of love being like a puzzle.

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