Michael Chin | Teen Ink

Michael Chin

February 16, 2010
By Anonymous

you're a game player; you play games with my mind,
i swear each time i see you boy, my head goes blind.
all sense leaves my body, my heart only sees.
because you and me have so much chemistry.
the feeling is there, but the words are unspoken
i try to keep a smile on to show you i'm not broken.
the pain increases as each day is spent apart,
and there are times when i wish i didn't meet you from the start.
for you to be just another face in the crowd, that would be easy,
my life would be so different, i know this sounds cheesy.
but you mean everything to me, on my mind twenty four-seven,
i pray for you each day, i hope god can hear from heaven.
you reasure me with your smile, i suddenly feel at ease,
and when you laugh at my jokes, i most deffinetly get weak in the knees.
my words get jumbled up, so i tend to stay quiet
but if i could, i would shout out 'i love you' and cause a huge riot.
this sounds so perfect, the thought of you and me
but the reality of it all is that we will never be.
it makes my heart break knowing i won't get a fairytale ending
because i've been in love with you for a year now and cleary the message isn't sending.
a fool i would be to think i have a chance,
but i can't help wondering everytime i catch your glance.
this love is pathetic, so desperate and poor
but there's something about you that leaves me wanting more.
you have that affect on me, i'm wrapped up in your spell,
im waiting here for you to fall, can't you tell?
you're the wine stain on a carpet, you stand out in every way
and your effortless aura makes me try harder each day.
for you the wait is nothing, im willing to bare through,
ill endure this minor heart ache if it means getting you.

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