You Took My Breath Away | Teen Ink

You Took My Breath Away

October 11, 2009
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
. . . So take too many pictures, laugh too much and love like you've never been hurt, because every 60 seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you will never get back. ( L )

xoxo, a.(L)

Stare into your eyes,
And I know this is it.
This is the moment,
I've been waiting to live

A numbered square passes,
And a new one begins.
Hold on a bit longer,
Try not to give in.

I scribble a word,
Then my heart skips a beat.
When nothing is better,
Admit your defeat.

"I love you", he said,
And held onto my hand.
But his lips tell me something,
I don't understand.

Stare into his eyes,
And I know this is it.
This is that moment,
I can't wait to live.

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