Frost's Finale | Teen Ink

Frost's Finale

June 18, 2024
By Anonymous

The ice drips slowly, a blanket white,

Serene words, in diminishing light.

Shrubs fall vulnerable, their stems stark,

Roots scattered everywhere, leaving their mark.

Breezes groan a sorrowful tune,

Of forgotten senses, praying to see someone soon.

The sky's supple, far-flung glow,

Soothes the soul, where flames slow.

A calm sensation of quiet and peace,

Nature's voyage runs ceased.

Winter is upon us, an opportunity to reflect,

Of the life gone by, actions to correct.

As showers plunge gently and slow,

A lifetime of chapters come to a close.

The author's comments:

I'm Disha Kar, a student in 9th grade, and I enjoy writing poetry exceedingly. My expressions are my paint, which is why I use them to create vivid pictures of life, showcasing a range of experiences during the four seasons. My poems take the audience on a trip through the lifespan of a person, with winter encapsulating the contemplative stillness of old age, autumn portraying the development and wisdom of adulthood, summer reflecting the flaming emotions of youth, and spring symbolizing the purity and brightness of infancy. The idea of poetry helps us relate to life's unpredictable, underlying realities, and I am delighted to express my own special viewpoint with others.

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