Climate, The head of the Coin of July | Teen Ink

Climate, The head of the Coin of July

June 29, 2023
By T1 BRONZE, Ghaziabad, California
T1 BRONZE, Ghaziabad, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the realm of changing tides and shifting skies, Where nature's whispers echo, and the wind softly sighs, There lies a tale of a coin, a tale of July, A ballad of climate, a battle against the sky.

Oh, the head of this coin, a blazing sun so bright, Spreading its golden rays, casting warmth and light. But hidden beneath its glow, a secret it conceals, A world in peril, where the truth slowly reveals.

In the heart of July, the land so parched and dry, Once flourishing with life, now it begins to cry. Rivers run shallow, their currents weaken and fade, As thirst grips the earth, the price we've poorly paid.

The farmers toil and sweat, in fields of barren soil, Their crops wither away, a farmer's heartfelt toil. The once bountiful harvest, now a distant dream, As the heatwaves scorch the land, a merciless extreme.

The animals seek refuge, their habitats undone, As forests turn to ash, in fires that never shun. The songs of birds fade, swallowed by the silent air, As nature weeps in anguish, burdened with despair.

But beyond the head, another side of this coin, A call to rise together, to let our hearts rejoin. For though the sky is troubled, and storms may gather near, Hope blooms like a flower, banishing all fear.

In the eyes of July, we glimpse a chance to change, To mend what we've broken, to heal this global range. To embrace renewable might, like a breeze in flight, Harnessing the power of the sun's endless light.

We plant the seeds of progress, in the hearts of young and old, Educating, innovating, a story yet untold. A world where green energy dances upon the breeze, Where harmony with nature is woven through the trees.

So, let us be the stewards, the guardians of this Earth, Unite in purpose, for what it's truly worth. For in the tale of July, the coin's other side, Lies the hope for a future, where our planet can abide.

Let us heed the warnings, before it's too late, And steer a different course, altering our fate. Together we can turn the tide, reclaim the sky, And write a ballad of triumph, where hope will never die

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