Reflection of Weather | Teen Ink

Reflection of Weather

March 28, 2023
By Anonymous

On rainy nights, the world is hushed

As though the world has turned to slush

The sky is dark, the air is chill

The drops of rain, they never still

The city streets are slick with rain

The world seems dreary, full of pain

The lights that shine, they flicker bright

Against the wet and dimming light

The sound of raindrops, pitter and pat

Against the window pane they chat

A symphony of falling sound

A lullaby that's so profound

But on the other hand, there's days

Where sun and warmth, it always stays

The sky so blue, a perfect hue

A different world, it's shining through

The sun comes up and clears the way

A cheerful mood, it seems to say

The world awakes, the flowers bloom

A different kind of sonic boom

The birds all sing, their melody

A different kind of harmony

The children play, they run and laugh

A joyous tune that's never half

So there it is, the contrast clear

A rainy night, a sunny sphere

Both so different, yet both so grand

Two sides of life, both close at hand

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