Golden Light | Teen Ink

Golden Light

May 24, 2021
By Anonymous

Warm and Hearth

Safe and Home

All are painted in the color of gold

No matter the day

No matter the time

Those painted in gold

Will always shine

And even when

Thou in doubt

One will always come around

And lift thou out

Out thou prison

Even if thou is

near or far

Soon or late

Thou shall become

Of golden light

Even when rain falls

Or when storms crawl

When one is gold

Life will lead

Thou back into light

For there is no need

For one of gold

To be in darkness

If only to

Bring one out into the golden light

And when they come

They’ll be welcomed

With plates and platters

With song and dance

All of whom

Is of gold

Will come and greet

And welcome thou into

A land of song and dance

Of happiness and light

With no fear needed

Of dying without light

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