Being The Sidekick | Teen Ink

Being The Sidekick

March 13, 2021
By GirlFromOklahoma BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
GirlFromOklahoma BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
don't stop until you're proud

The supporting friend

tried and true

you’re the big winner

always me after you.

They forget who I am

so they call me your name

I do the work for you

but you get the fame.

I walk in alone

they always ask where you are

there is no me without you

you’re the brighter star.

I tag along behind you

like an annoying tick

every story has a hero

and I will always be the sidekick.

The author's comments:

I am a junior in high school from Oklahoma who loves writing poems about what I have experienced in my life and this is one of those. I have always felt outshined by my best friends and this poem shows how many teenagers feel about being the "other friend" in high school. 

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