High School Isn't Fun | Teen Ink

High School Isn't Fun

March 5, 2019
By jmstevens2019 BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
jmstevens2019 BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school isn't fun,

I wish it was already done,

Around and around we run,

Escaping the threat of a gun,

You could ask anyone,

They'll all say high school isn't fun,


Homework every night,

Hallways full of fight,

Students full of fright,

Clothes that are too tight,

Everybody pretending they're alright,

Even when their future isn't so bright,


High school is a mess,

Students full of stress,

All just wanting to impress,

Hoping that they can progress,


To the next level,

And be able to revel,

In the fact that they're a devil.

The author's comments:

This poem was written to be more of a bash of the current state of high school and it's students. This poem mentions school shootings, bullying, and many other stereotypical high school events.

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