The Fight | Teen Ink

The Fight

November 1, 2018
By Kbarry BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Kbarry BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His troop touched ground in the moonlight

Across the sea, his wife laid awake in the night

He wore his country’s clothes and ran with pride

“Get through to the people keep your eyes open wide”

Troop number 433 raced across the open field

Charging without the protection of a shield

Dust and dirt invaded his uniform

Power ran through his mind to escape the storm

The young men with him acted as his brothers

All learning what love is to one another

They work together to bust through the divide

“Get through to the people keep your eyes open wide”

Around a corner, the first bullet is shot

His mind shattered, wanting to scrap what he was taught

A tear filled in his eye as a brother fell

He knew this fight would turn into hell

An ear-splitting gunshot passed through another friend

All he could do was wish for the day to end

He remembered how his life was an amazing, wild ride

“Get through to the people keep your eyes open wide”

What’s left of his team bolts towards faint young screams

They freeze as the sight of 30 children, hoping it’s all dream

He scrambles to lead them out

Struggling to find the safest route

A gun swerves around a corner, pointing at a child

Within the blink of an eye he lept out and smiled

He showed the kids who was on their side

“Get through to the people keep your eyes open wide”

Blood stained his shirt and flavored the room with copper

He darted an eye and hinted to run to the chopper

Before he could give up, he thought of his bride

How there wouldn’t be another chance to look deep into her eyes

The author's comments:

I thought of this Ballad during an assignment for a school project. The words to create this piece came to me quickly, for the military is something I've had an interest in for a while. The bravery of the unnamed soldier is appealing to me because I aspire to be like him. 

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