Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

May 18, 2018
By Kir1721 SILVER, Bangor, Maine
Kir1721 SILVER, Bangor, Maine
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where I’m From

I’m from art,
From earth and trees,
From books and legends,
And from sun, salt, and sand.

I’m made from the depths of Mercury,
And, like a phoenix, I rose from ashes.
My creator viewed me as “perfect”,
But I am far from such a thing.

I’m a troublemaker for justice,
A good girl for the weak hearted,
And a scared girl
Behind a confident mask.

I’m from where the clouds fly high,
And the sky wears it’s favorite shade of blue;
Where everyday is a day a new-
a blank slate.

I’m from the land of singing birds,
Sweet, beautiful aromas,
Gorgeous days,
And breathtaking nights.

I live on the light
And the dark.
I swallow the holy sacraments,
Hoping for a blessing, or a miracle.

A Virgo’s chakra is sacred,
And rare.
We keep our minds open to the future,
Unforgetful of our pasts.

I’m from a complex family,
From a home without a dad,
With a neglective sister,
And an entire family, shattered in pieces.

I pick up one of the shards, 
Peering into the hazel eyes, staring back at me.
I’m a broken soul,
Constantly lost, found, and lost again.

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