Shh... | Teen Ink


April 4, 2009
By WriterDancerLover GOLD, Fontana, California
WriterDancerLover GOLD, Fontana, California
15 articles 1 photo 25 comments

So blind.
So unfeeling.
Ears covered.
Shell in place.

Tap, Bump. Nudge.
Whisper, Wave.

Nothing felt.
Nothing heard.
Nothing seen.

Scream, Shout, Shove.

No reception.
No reaction.

Give me your
feet and

To cry on,
uplift me...

Don't speak.
And I'll hear you.

The author's comments:
Sometimes I wish people would just stop talking. =]

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jun. 3 2014 at 8:59 pm
AbigailGilgal GOLD, Cloquet, Minnesota
12 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I write for the same reason I breath- because if I didn't, I would die"
~Isaac Asimov

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at the typewriter and bleed."
~ Ernest Hemingway

Super job! This poem rings so true. Words can be so empty, so meaningless. People can make promises and vows, but they mean nothing without actions backing them up. I loved how short and simple it was yet the message is so bold!

on Aug. 7 2009 at 9:01 am
Anyalisse PLATINUM, Gering, Nebraska
37 articles 7 photos 11 comments
Very good poem. I love it. It kind of shows how when you're depressed looks tend to speak louder than words. How words will just slip past, never heard. But when they look at you you can just see or feel what they want to say. Either that or I'm in the left feild of the superbowl with my badminton raquet again.

on Jul. 25 2009 at 3:05 am
GigglyAmbar SILVER, Washington, District Of Columbia
5 articles 0 photos 22 comments
Wow! I love this poem it's amazing. And I know how you feel by " talkers". You're a really good poet. Could you share some tips with me ??