Bittersweet Goodbyes | Teen Ink

Bittersweet Goodbyes

April 1, 2009
By Christina Psimer BRONZE, Westerly, Rhode Island
Christina Psimer BRONZE, Westerly, Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In you walk struttin’ your stuff, surrounded by an air of mystery
My heart stops beating in my chest
Thoughts rush through my head
My breath is taken and all words escape me
We make eye contact
Good lord I think I’m lost

We exchange hellos and my speechlessness begins to fade
Your sweet smile, kind words, and easygoing personality calm my nerves
I feel like I’ve known you for years
As we talk time flies right by us
Our sweet time together draws to a close
I dread the end of this surreal meeting
We stand and walk towards the door
Each step brings us closer to goodbye
You stop me and give me your number insisting I call
With each digit my heart flutters with hope of us meeting again
With one smile and a wave we go our separate ways but hope remains

My phone rings and I can’t believe the number I see
I check again just to make sure it’s really you
My palms sweat as I flip it open and stammer out hello
With each word you say my inhibitions fade

One simple meeting begins something amazing
I’m caught in a whirlwind of emotions
We talk and laugh
I feel as though I found the one piece to my puzzle that had been missing
You start where I end
I’m finally complete
Time passes and memories are made

Then it stops
No warning, no explanation
Just an empty space that you once filled
Darkness closes in all around me
I wanna run away from this place as fast as my feet will carry me

Memories surround me and invade my mind
Conversations, music, places, and sweet embraces
I wanna watch the sun set and let the stars guide my way to a place far from here
I long so deeply to be anywhere but here

As the sun sets my heart breaks into pieces
Once you made it warm and whole
Now it’s cold and shattered in my chest
The one who completed me broke me from the inside out
Surrounded by darkness, searching desperately for light
Forced to say goodbye
Hope of another hello is lost in the night


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