Still Im Not Enough | Teen Ink

Still Im Not Enough

January 13, 2017
By bpeek016 BRONZE, De Kalb, Texas
bpeek016 BRONZE, De Kalb, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You may say I’m beautiful
Even when I look rough
You may even say I’m perfect
But still I’m not enough

You laugh at my jokes
And I don’t call your bluff
Because I know I’m not that funny
But still I’m not enough

I let you laugh when I fall
Even though I’m not that tough
I’ll even laugh with you
But still I’m not enough

I put up with your grouchy side
And all the small stuff
I even loved you through it
But still I’m not enough

I loved you unconditionally
Even when I was in a huff
I loved you through everything
But still I wasn’t enough

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